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Google Domains - Payments System Migration

Google Domains Checkout

I was the tech lead for the Google Domains' payments integration upgrade. I lead the project to migrate Google Domains to a new internal payments platform. It required modifying our core order fulfillment system to use 4 new APIs. Made changes to data model and purchasing control flow to handle more detailed states, such as credit card declines and chargebacks.


  • Enabled user-requested feature of updating billing information for all domain and G Suite subscriptions at once.
  • Allowed for batching charges for domains renewing on the same day to decrease the number of overall transactions.
  • Sends product-specific risk signals for use in payments fraud-detection system.


  • Tech lead for complex, multi-quarter project with contributions from 5 engineers. Completed design, led cross-team collaboration, and implemented large portion of the code changes. Launched successfully ahead of deadline.
  • Enabled launching in Australia and continued operation in the UK.
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